Have A Fender Bender But Don't Want To Make An Insurance Claim? What To Know
If you were in a fender bender and you aren't sure if you want to make the claim on your insurance, there are a few things you'll want to do to save money on your repair bills. If you take the time to find some of your own parts, and to find parts that don't need work, then you can save time and money. Here are a few options to consider when you need to bring down the cost of your accident expenses, and to prevent needing to make an insurance claim.
Aftermarket Auto Parts
Aftermarket auto parts are often made just like the parts that come directly from the auto manufacturers, but they are made at a lower cost and are more affordable for you to purchase. You can get General Motors parts, Chevy and Ford components, and even some parts that will work for foreign vehicles. Look to see what the cost will be to order these parts on in your own, and then you only have to pay the mechanic that is doing the repairs for labor.
Matching Junk Yard Parts
Sanding, priming, and painting your car that has scratches, and repairing dents can be costly. It may take some time, but if you call around and go to multiple different junk or salvage yards, you may be able to find a vehicle with the same make and color as your own. This means parts in good condition can be transferred, like doors or hoods, and they don't have to be repaired.
Local Trade School
Local trade schools have to teach their students how to work on vehicles by having hands on training, and you can get your vehicle repaired at a very low cost if there is a mechanical school in your area. Call around and find out when the school can get the vehicle in and how much the repairs are going to cost.
If you don't have to make a claim on your insurance you will save yourself the cost of the deductible, and the cost of having to claim the accident. Claiming an accident can boost your rates, and if you already have an accident than making the claim could get you dropped from your insurance provider. Try these different options to get your vehicle repaired after your fender bender, because it's worth spending your own time to save a lot of money.
For more information on getting aftermarket parts, talk to a professional like NationalGMParts.